Application for Short Course has been closed because the applicant number reached the seating capacity of 25.

Information on Short Course (Free Tour)

Date: Friday, 30 June 2017
Time: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm (including transportation time)
Venue: South Ehime Fisheries Research Center (SEFREC)
Event contents: Lecture and fish farm tour

Lecturer: Dr. Rie GOTO (SEFREC, Associate Professor)
Title: -Introduction of projects to achieve regional revitalization of aquaculture
Abstract: SEFREC is located in the southern part of Ehime prefecture, one of the popular places for aquaculture in Japan. Since 2012, we have been investigating suma, Euthynnus affinis, to introduce this as a new farming species in Ehime. Suma belongs to the Scombridae family and is genetically related to bluefin tuna. In tuna species, techniques required for traditional sub culturing for aquaculture, such as artificial fertilization and one to one cross breeding, are works / methods in theory but not in practice since fish handling can cause the fish intolerable damage. In our laboratory, we have started developing “the Next-Generation Breeding System (NGBS)” for preserving and producing good strains of suma, Euthynnus affinis suma. NGBS will overcome these difficulties and be able to provide fish with catalogue ordered gametes through cryopreserved germ cells while avoiding breed deterioration and restoring the strains only when necessary. The goal of our project is to develop a workable process for a breeding system suitable for suma in parallel with selective breeding.

Time schedule:
8:00 Departure from Matsuyama
10:30 Arrival at SEFREC
[1] Introduction about SEFREC
[2] Lecture
[3] Laboratory tour
[4] Lunch
[5] Fish farm tour - mackerel tuna (Euthynnus affinis) cultured in SEFREC
14:00 Departure from SEFREC
16:30 Arrival at Matsuyama

Group size: Up to twenty-five participants (in the order we received reservations)

We welcome any students and researchers to join this short course. Admission fee is not required.
We will let you know by e-mail whether you can join the tour or not.
Please let us know if you have any dietary restrictions or special considerations for lunch.

Biographies of Dr. Rie GOTO
Degree: Doctor of Fisheries from Hokkaido University
Research experience:

Jul 2012–Current
Associate Professor
South Ehime Fisheries Research Center, Ehime University, Japan

Jul 2010–Jun 2012
Senior Researcher
Department of Agriculture, Hokkaido University, Japan

Dec 2006–Jun 2010
Post Doctor
Field Science Center for Northern Biosphere, Hokkaido University, Japan

Jun 2000–Nov 2004
Research Associate
Center of Marine Biotechnology, University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute, USA