Special Issues

It is decided to publish the contributions given as oral presentations in PRIMO19 and some selected poster presentations in the Special Issues of two prime journals, Marine Environmental Research and Aquatic Toxicology. These two journals already have long tradition in publishing Special Issues from PRIMO Conferences. The PRIMO19 presenters are encouraged to submit their manuscripts via online submission system, selecting the suitability of the theme of their presentation, to any one of these journals. All the manuscripts will be subjected to normal peer-reviewing process to guarantee the scientific standard required by the Journals and, if accepted, they will be considered as regular articles.

The tentative time plan for the publication process is given below.
Expected number of articles in each journal: 10-20

Submission & peer review timeline:

  1. Submission deadline: 31 October 2017: All papers should be submitted before this date and the option to submit online via the submission system will be closed.
  2. First reviewing process: Nov, 2017 – Feb, 2018
  3. Resubmission of revised manuscripts: Mar, 2018 – Apr, 2018
  4. Acceptance deadline: 31 July 2018: Final decisions (accept or reject) will be made for all articles by this date.