Abstract Submission

Contributions for oral and/or poster presentations are invited. Please refer to the abstract template below. All information necessary are included in the template. Please insert your text in the template to keep the correct format. Please do not move or alter the size or position of the sections on the template (Title, Author(s), Affiliation(s), Main text, Keyword(s)). Abstracts of a maximum of 1 page including a 300 word maximum summary should be submitted online by 28th April, 2017.

Guidelines for abstract file preparation

  • Length: 1 page including Title, Author(s), Affiliation(s), Main text, Keyword(s). Figures and tables should not be included.
  • File format: doc or docx
  • Page size: A4 paper (N.B. not US Letter), 30mm margins, no page numbers or running heading/footers (these will be added during production of the abstract book)
  • Text format: Single-space
  • Title: Limited to 2 lines, Time New Roman 12pt (capital and bold)
  • Authors and affiliations: Include full names (in the order of first, middle and last) of presenting author (underlined) and all co-authors (Times New Roman 11pt (plain)). All affiliations should be in Times New Roman 11pt (italic)
  • Main text: Maximum of 300 words and keywords (max. 5).

To submit the abstract, please click below.

Abstract Submission has been closed.

To make abstract corrections / cancellation

Authors can make corrections to or cancell their submission online up until the abstract submission deadline.
To log in, please access to the URL above from "ABSTRACT SUBMISSION". You will need your submission password.

If you are unable to submit your abstract online, please email the conference team by email to primo19-gbm@or.knt.co.jp. Please ensure that you quote the name of the conference on the subject column when contacting us.